Trait or builtin that returns arguments passed to current function (if any)

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at
Thu Sep 9 14:35:42 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 9 September 2021 at 13:49:55 UTC, Alexandru Ermicioi 
> You can already get the parameter list of a function using is 
> expression.

parameters are not arguments.

> But it is a bit buggy, since you have to play a bit with it, 
> before you can even extract the values.

the is expression works perfectly fine, it is just a different 
thing. parameters are static information about the function's 
outside. arguments are dynamic data inside the function.

You can get to arguments through parameters though like I 
mentioned in the link in the OP though. A reasonable 
implementation is this:

public static import std.meta;
template ARGS(alias a /* always pass the first argument to your 
function to this */) {
         string helper() {
                 string code = "std.meta.AliasSeq!(";
                 static if(is(typeof(__traits(parent, a)) Params 
== __parameters))
                 foreach(idx, param; Params) {
                                 code ~= ", ";
                         code ~= __traits(identifier, Params[idx 
.. idx + 1]);
                 else static assert(0);
                 code ~= ")";
                 return code;

         enum string ARGS = helper();

And then you can use it like:

import std.stdio;

void foo(int a) {
         foreach(item; mixin(ARGS!(a)))

         // forwarding can be done like this too:
         foo("omg", mixin(ARGS!a));

void foo(string a, int b) {
         foreach(item; mixin(ARGS!(a)))

void main() {
         foo("omg", 55);

This implementation doesn't work on variadic templates but that's 
not so important since they are already a tuple.

Still though, it just would be nicer if it just worked with a 

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