D Graphics Library

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 22:00:02 UTC 2021

On 9/14/21 5:43 PM, Kenneth Dallmann wrote:
>> No, some links are broken. The code was resurrected from a guy who 
>> deleted his github account. We have the code, but not the other stuff 
>> linked (e.g. github wiki pages).
>> Rereading it says "many things in here are broken".  By "here" I 
>> meant, this readme file. Oops, I can see how that was poorly worded, 
>> sorry!
>   Wow, I see. I was just perusing a source file there, looks like there
> are lots of comments to explain things.  It still may be difficult for
> me if nobody can spoon feed it.

All the comments are copied directly from the original library. So you 
can use the very excellent and numerous resources for the C raylib 
library to help you.

I also highly recommend Ki Rill's [D game development youtube 
that uses raylib.


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