What should happen here?

Johan j at j.nl
Tue Sep 21 16:19:10 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 21 September 2021 at 12:02:05 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
> On 9/21/21 6:58 AM, Johan wrote:
>> On Monday, 20 September 2021 at 18:49:12 UTC, Steven 
>> Schveighoffer wrote:
>>> I feel like this might not necessarily be an issue, because 
>>> technically, you aren't using `c` any more, so it can be 
>>> deallocated immediately. But right in our documentation 
>>> [here](https://dlang.org/spec/interfaceToC.html#storage_allocation) it lists ways to alleviate this:
>>> ```
>>> If pointers to D garbage collector allocated memory are 
>>> passed to C functions, it's critical to ensure that the 
>>> memory will not be collected by the garbage collector before 
>>> the C function is done with it. This is accomplished by:
>>> * Making a copy of the data using core.stdc.stdlib.malloc() 
>>> and passing the copy instead.
>>> * Leaving a pointer to it on the stack (as a parameter or 
>>> automatic variable), as the garbage collector will scan the 
>>> stack.
>>> * Leaving a pointer to it in the static data segment, as the 
>>> garbage collector will scan the static data segment.
>>> * Registering the pointer with the garbage collector with the 
>>> std.gc.addRoot() or std.gc.addRange() calls.
>>> ```
>>> This to me seems like "leaving a pointer to it on the stack". 
>>> I'm not sure how else I would do that specifically? Plus, 
>>> this option is the only "free" one -- the others all require 
>>> much more complication. Adding a pointer to the stack is 
>>> free. It's just, I don't know how to tell the compiler to do 
>>> that besides declaring it.
>> First: the use of "stack" here is wrong and confusing. It 
>> should be "local storage" (notorious error throughout the 
>> spec). Indeed, what is done in your example is putting the 
>> pointer in local storage. The scope of that local storage is 
>> until the end of function scope (in your example). I don't 
>> think (in LDC) that we track the lifetime of variables in that 
>> way, so what is done is that the optimizer just looks at last 
>> point of use. This is similar to how Java behaves:
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39285108/can-java-garbage-collect-variables-before-end-of-scope
> Yikes, that's quite aggressive. It says even a method can be in 
> progress on the thing and it's collected early.
>> As per language spec, the D compilers are non-compliant on 
>> this point. So a decision is needed to either change the 
>> language spec, or to complain with the D compilers to fix it.
> I would say if you can somehow find a way to trigger the 
> optimizer not to avoid that stack push, in all compilers, we 
> should do that. IMO, the cost of a stack pointer is minimal 
> compared to the surprising result that we currently see. But I 
> don't know enough about compilers implementation to know 
> whether this is a reasonable ask.

I think this is not unreasonable to implement, it is similar to 
keeping track of what destructors to use: just doing a 
noop/keepalive on the variable at the end of scope.
I can think of hypothetical cases where this would impact 
performance. For example,
the function `void foo(S* s)` receives the pointer in a register, 
and would have to keep it alive in a register or push it to stack 
to preserve it for duration of the function; in a tight loop one 
may not expect that (and there would be no way to _not_ do that). 
We also don't want this for just any kind of parameter (e.g. not 
for an int), so would need some smartness on which types to apply 
this to. I think this would cover it: (pointers to, arrays of) 
struct, class, slice, AA.

Test and see?

> Regardless of whether it's spec or implementation, something 
> needs to change. This is why I asked the question without any 
> context first, to have everyone think about what they *expect* 
> to happen before finding out what actually happens. I'm 
> surprised so many expected the current behavior, I did not.
> I just thought of a possible easy and effective way to ensure 
> the thing isn't collected early:
> ```d
> struct Pin(T)
> {
>    T t;
>    @nogc nothrow pure @safe ~this() {}
>    alias t this;
> }
> ...
> // usage
> auto c = Pin!C(new C); // now it needs to be held until the 
> scope ends
> ```
> This seems to work on LDC with -O3 to prevent the early 
> collection, so maybe it is sound?

I don't think it is, and I am surprised it works.
You can trivially inline the destructor, see that it does 
nothing, and then the liveness of the variable is very short 


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