What should happen here?

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 21 16:57:52 UTC 2021

On 9/20/21 11:55 AM, Paul Backus wrote:

 >>    auto c = new C;
 >>    foreach(i; 0 .. 10000) GC.collect;
 >>    writeln("end of main");

 >> Option 2:
 >> ```
 >> dtor
 >> end of main
 >> ```

 > Option 2 at first seems like it should be invalid, but since `c` is
 > never accessed after initialization, the compiler is free to remove the
 > initialization as a dead store,

Your explanation at first :) seems invalid because it seems to disregard 
side-effects in the constructor the destructor. However, because 
destructors for GC objects are not guaranteed to be executed anyway, 
only the constructor should be considered here.

I love the overwritten register story but I think this is a bug because 
"local storage" should be sufficient to keep the object alive. However, 
given the presence of KeepAlive from other languages, perhaps this is a 
concept that needs to be communicated better.


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