[your code here]
ajieskola at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 18:21:24 UTC 2021
I sometimes feel that D is a bit weak when it comes to
representing and handling dynamic tree-like data. However, I
goofed around a bit and found that the newly added `std.sumtype`
can get D quite far in that regard:
import std.sumtype;
alias Node = SumType!(string, This[]);
Node node(T...)(T args){
auto result = new Node[args.length];
foreach(i, arg; args) result[i] = arg;
return Node(result);
void print(Node n){
import std.algorithm, std.stdio;
(string s) => write(s, " "),
(Node[] ns){"[".write; ns.each!print; "] ".write;}
void main(){
"top-level", node("subtree", node("with", "a",
node, node, node // three empty elements
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