What should happen here?

deadalnix deadalnix at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 11:05:40 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 29 September 2021 at 22:17:25 UTC, Elronnd wrote:
> On Wednesday, 29 September 2021 at 07:23:26 UTC, John Colvin 
> wrote:
>> If you search from most recently added to least recent then 
>> it’ll be super cheap in most cases. Almost stack-like.
> Yes, but pathological in the worst case.  Kinda like a freelist 
> without compaction, except your worst case isn't bounded.
> The generational GC hypothesis is relevant.  It says that the 
> worst case will come up, though it will be the exception rather 
> than the rule; however, I don't know if the sorts of objects 
> that need to be explicitly protected have usual lifetimes, so 
> the situation might be even worse.

You can always fall back to a set when things get large.

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