Coding Assistance Tooling, why so many scattered projects?
Martin B
martin.brzenska at
Fri Apr 22 20:48:11 UTC 2022
On Friday, 22 April 2022 at 19:49:04 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> On Friday, 22 April 2022 at 17:41:01 UTC, Martin B wrote:
>> I am not here to complain, these are super cool and important
>> projects. I would like to speak my mind and learn by feedback:
>> I think that code editing assistance is a important key
>> feature when it comes to adoption. Maybe it would make sense
>> to move it closer to the "dlang core tooling" and handle it in
>> a more monolithic aproach. As i understand, right now there
>> are several github repos/dub packages, each solving one
>> specific problem which are depending on each other and
>> maintained by different people... maybe this sounds like KISS
>> and single responsibility principle and yada yada yada - but
>> IMO, it seems to me to be wastefull on ressources in this case.
> The reason it's like this is that all of these tools are
> created and maintained entirely by volunteers in the D
> community. There's no centralized management.
> It's possible in the future that the D Language Foundation will
> take a more active role in sponsoring and guiding the
> development of projects like these, but we're not there yet.
I guess "enthusiasts, who love to turn ideas into software" would
be more fitting, since volunteers usually are under management
and execute assigned tasks. Management could help - but tbh, who
wants to be management in his happy place :) And after all, good
software project managers are actually good devs who get payed
very good to them away from what they actually want to do: to
code. So, project management in free software projects is not
realistic IMHO (exceptions prove the rule :) ). Maybe it would
help to improve community tooling to improve communication in the
community and be able to organize and plan efforts as enthusiasts
- Is there some other place then this Forum to exchange thoughts
and ideas?
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