Why is D unpopular?

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Sat Apr 30 07:05:28 UTC 2022

On Friday, 29 April 2022 at 19:10:32 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 4/29/2022 11:26 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>>> Those were interpreters first and added native code 
>>> generation later. D did is the other way around, and the 
>>> native code generating compilers started doing it soon 
>>> afterwards.
>> Decades before D was even an idea.
>> Again, SIGPLAN.
> So why did other native languages suddenly start doing it after 
> D did to the point of it being something a language can't skip 
> anymore?

They didn't, they got inspired by those that preceded D, you just 
want to believe D was the cause.

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