H. S. Teoh
hsteoh at
Mon Aug 8 19:01:31 UTC 2022
On Sat, Aug 06, 2022 at 05:40:54PM +0000, Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Saturday, 6 August 2022 at 15:52:13 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > Here's a first stab at it. Let T be the incoming type (I'm leaning
> > against separately parametrizing the start/end/increment types, I
> > think that's just needlessly complex). Then:
> >
> > [...]
> I think there's a case to be made for allowing a separate increment
> type, so that you can have e.g. pointers as endpoints with a ptrdiff_t
> increment. But it's not super essential.
> There's also the single-argument iota(n) case to consider. If we're
> going to go all-in on structural typing, we need a convention for
> obtaining the "zero" value of a generic type T. The obvious choice is
> T.init, but that won't work for floating-point types, so maybe
> `cast(T) 0` is better?
Even the more reason to consider floating-point separately. As Walter
said, the core should be integer-only. Floating-point support should be
handled separately.
I'm inclined to leave out floating-point entirely, actually. For
example, if the user asks for iota(x,y) where x, y are floats and x and
y are so large that x++ < nextUp(x), then how many elements should the
resulting range have? If we say, execute ++ each time, then we may have
an infinite range. But if we say use z = x + i*y, then it will be a
finite range, but will generate the same floating-point values multiple
times (because the difference between successive values is too small to
be represented, so `x + i*y` will generate the same value for multiple
values of i). Which behaviour is wanted by the user? No one but the
user can say. Instead of trying to support all of these corner cases,
we should just leave it to the user to use .generate with his formula of
choice to produce a range with the desired properties, instead of
overloading .iota with arbitrary decisions that add significant
complexity to the code but may or may not be what the user even wants in
the first place.
2+2=4. 2*2=4. 2^2=4. Therefore, +, *, and ^ are the same operation.
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