[Off-Topic] John Carmack's point of view on GC and languages like JavaScript

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Wed Aug 10 05:14:04 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 9 August 2022 at 23:41:04 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> On Tuesday, 9 August 2022 at 23:12:33 UTC, monkyyy wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 9 August 2022 at 16:32:09 UTC, max haughton wrote:
>>> dmd not freeing by default is/was a bad idea. The memory usage
>> Hmmmm; isnt d compiler pretty quick and fairly good about not 
>> crashing dispite having a small team?
>> Why isnt the natural conclusion that it looks like it worked 
>> out; just corrrect?
> Exactly
> ```
> -lowmem
>     Enable the garbage collector for the compiler, reducing the 
> compiler memory requirements but increasing compile times.
> ```
> Having control over your memory allocation strategy is what's 
> important
> Hence forcing one on the users is a bad idea when you need that 
> little performance boost that ends up being your killer feature 
> (fast compile speed)

As if Go, Java, Common Lisp, Eiffel, C#, F#, OCaml,..  were any 
molasses by having their compilers using GC.

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