On the subject of an XML parser
666total at wp.pl
Mon Aug 22 19:51:06 UTC 2022
On Monday, 22 August 2022 at 11:48:47 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
> Since the XML parsing library was removed from Phobos, I'm
> thinking about either getting dlang-community/experimental.xml
> into a usable state, or write a completely new parser.
> First I'd want some community input, and would like to hear
> from the users of lodo1995's library. Depending on some
> circumstances, I'll be losing my job next month, so I'll have
> some extra time on my hands (no money will be a tough thing),
> and even without that I'll try to pull it off somehow.
I never really understood why we have to make a new library
instead of just fixing std.xml. I found std.xml to be the easiest
to use out of all D libraries, but my understanding was it's not
up to par performance wise.
> I might have a lot of free time in the near future, so I could
> write something for Phobos.
Honestly, that would probably end up as std.experimental.xml2. I
think it'd be very hard to get a new library into Phobos. As soon
as you open yourself to comments, everyone will have their own
idea of what a perfect XML library would look like. And after
that, there will be a struggle whether it should use exceptions
or not, GC or no GC, or maybe even betterC.
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