What is the state of @property?

Andrey Zherikov andrey.zherikov at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 13:18:38 UTC 2022

On Thursday, 25 August 2022 at 03:26:32 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:
> It's not recommended to use it, yet people do continue using it 
> anyway... I see it in people's code. So, was it finalized, but 
> docs weren't updated? Or is it still half-backed? And what is 
> the issue?

Why is it not recommended?
It's useful when you need to evolve API and migrate users from 
one data member to another, for example:
struct S
   @property string old_member() const { return new_member; }

   string new_member;

Or when you want to do some audit:
struct S
   @property string member() const
     writeln("'member' is used by ", environment["USER"]);
     return _member;

   string _member;

I have no objections to deprecate `@property` attribute but I 
believe D must support the use case when `obj.mem` expression 
calls `obj.mem()` function (this is usually called property 

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