Missing python-like chaining in D
alynch4047 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 08:45:53 UTC 2022
On Monday, 21 February 2022 at 18:05:41 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> On 2/21/22 02:27, forkit wrote:
> >>> writeln(1 < 2 < 3 < 4 > 3 == 3); // true
> > cat.meow().eat().sleep().play();
> That misunderstanding (or miscommunication) is reason enough
> why such loose semantics should not be in any serious
> programming language.
> So, Python is happy with the fact that the result of 1 < 2 is
> sometimes Boolean but sometimes 2? (Note that in chaining, not
> the result but one of the arguments is used; and the chosen
> argument happens to be the one that's "close" to the next
> operator. Ha ha! :) How convenient... And why would 'a > b < c'
> not mean "a is greater than b and a is less than c" or "a is
> greater than b OR b is less than c"? I can guess: They picked
> the only semantic that could possibly be explained that could
> work. And then they must have slapped on a rationale: "Checking
> more than two conditions is very common in Programming
> Languages." I found that inaccurate sentence copy-pasted in
> multiple blog posts:
> - They must mean "more than one condition", not "two"
> - They mean "program", not "programming language"
> - They ommit the supposed domain where that claim may be true
> (I might have found a use for this feature perhaps once, if
> ever? Not sure...)
> I think this is an example of blind leading blind in that
> community.
> Ali
It seems you (and most of the people in this thread) have
misunderstood what this is doing in python. 1 < 2 always returns
a boolean, except in the case of operator overloading.
2 < x < 5 is implemented as ```(2 < x) and (x < 5)```, not as
```(2 < x) < 5```
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