immutable(ubyte)[] to receive
feepingcreature at
Thu Jan 20 11:24:18 UTC 2022
On Thursday, 20 January 2022 at 09:38:55 UTC, Alexey wrote:
> Maybe someone knows why it doesn't work?
> ```
> import std.concurrency;
> import std.stdio: write, writeln, writef, writefln;
> import std.variant : Variant;
> import std.process : thisThreadID;
> alias Buffer = immutable(ubyte)[];
> void pros2(string name)
> {
> receive(
> (immutable(Buffer[]) h){
> writeln(h);
> ownerTid.send(123);
> }
> );
> }
> void main()
> {
> Buffer[] t ;
> t ~= cast(Buffer)"sdfsdfsdf";
> t ~= cast(Buffer)"sdfsdfsdf";
> immutable(Buffer[]) ti = cast(immutable)t;
> auto tid2 = spawn(&pros2, "hello");
> send(tid2, ti);
> receive(
> (int h){writeln(h);}
> );
> }
> ```
It's a Phobos bug.
import std.variant;
void main() {
alias A = immutable(ubyte)[];
auto a = Variant(immutable(A[]).init);
File a bug report, please?
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