Possible improvement of phobos map?
someone at somewhere.com
Mon Jul 4 19:51:01 UTC 2022
On Monday, 4 July 2022 at 19:44:11 UTC, JG wrote:
> Hi,
> There was a recent discussion regarding suggesting some special
> algorithms for associative arrays, which made we wonder if the
> problem isn't actually that it is a slightly annoying when
> working with ranges of tuples or structs.
> For instance you might have code like this
> ```d
> auto a = ["a":5, "b":6];
> a.byPair.map!(t=>format!"%s=%s"(t[0],t[1])).writeln;
> ```
> or
> ```d
> auto r = iota(1,10);
> auto gcds = cartesianProduct(r,r).map!(t=>gcd(t[0],t[1]));
> ```
> which while not too bad isn't as readable as it could be, and
> it gets worse when the chain gets longer.
> With some slight changes to map (which wouldn't be needed if
> pattern matching exists), one can do this:
> ```d
> import std;
> struct MapPrototype(alias f, R) {
> R r;
> bool empty() { return r.empty; }
> auto front() { return f(r.front.tupleof); }
> void popFront() { r.popFront; }
> auto save() { return typeof(this)(r.save); }
> }
> auto mapPrototype(alias f, R)(R r) {
> return MapPrototype!(f,R)(r);
> }
> struct Point {
> int x;
> int y;
> }
> void main() {
> auto r = iota(1,10);
> auto gcds = cartesianProduct(r,r).mapPrototype!(gcd);
> gcds.writeln;
> auto a = ["a":5, "b":6];
> a.byPair.mapPrototype!((name,value)=>format!"%s=%s"(name,value)).writeln;
> [Point(1,2),Point(3,4)].mapPrototype!((x,y)=>x*x+y*y).writeln;
> }
> ```
> Thoughts?
I should have added, this is incomplete code one needs to check
which behavior is wanted decomposition like above or the old
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