Using closure in function scope to make "real" private class members
forkit at
Fri Jun 3 08:53:08 UTC 2022
On Friday, 3 June 2022 at 06:17:57 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> ...
> D's view on private was strange to me at first but now I see
> that what I was accustomed to was wrong. I was using a feature
> without thinking about it. I find this sort of usability of
> D... very useful... :)
> Ali
So do I. I'm not arguing against it.
But see my response to Mike Parker, as to my reasoning for why I
think programmers need to take a cautious approach to this aspect
of the D programming language.
'An option' to make it truly private, even from other code within
the module, should the programmer require this, doesn't sound
like such an evil idea - as some would like to make it out to be
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