Using closure in function scope to make "real" private class members

forkit forkit at
Sat Jun 4 05:40:19 UTC 2022

On Saturday, 4 June 2022 at 05:20:58 UTC, matheus wrote:
> On Saturday, 4 June 2022 at 05:07:10 UTC, forkit wrote:
>> ...
>> Cause D has plenty of completely useless attributes. I don't 
>> think another one is going to make much difference.
>> ...
> I have no opinion on the merit being discussed except this 
> part, because I do think that keep adding more attributes will 
> hurt D in a long term, in fact this is becoming a pattern in 
> this language... there is a problem? -Let's add this attribute 
> to solve.
> If possible this should be thought in a way to be solved 
> without adding new attributes.
> Matheus.

I don't agree.

The increased use of attributes is really the best way to 
accomodate change, rather than keywords or syntax changes.

D is more of a hobby language to me anyway, so I couldn't care 
less what it does. But to the extent it allows me to do things -> 
the way I want to do them, then and only then, does it maintain 
my interest.

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