Why is D unpopular
nr at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 08:35:53 UTC 2022
On Tuesday, 14 June 2022 at 07:34:32 UTC, bauss wrote:
> Now you have this huge amount of attribute soup that you either
> need to sprinkle everywhere or you have to completely ignore.
Totally agree with this, it puts me off using D. TBH I haven't
started a project in D for a while now, I am simply reaching for
Python or C++20. Both get the job done and while not great C++ is
at least moving in the right direction.
> The community and libraries etc. also feel a lot more divided,
> even compared to when tango was a viable alternative to phobos;
> at least that's how it feels from my point of view.
I much prefer Phobos over Tango but I agree the core development
community seem very divided. Instead of trying to grow the user
base with a great experience, adding syntax sugar and frition
reducing features like `int[$] arr = [1, 2, 3];` etc. But no, a
massive amnount of energy is spent on chasing C? Seriously?? C
interop is hugely important but D already interop'd with C
seamlessly enough....clearly not enough for a core few because
that is the main focus for D development right now.
> Also it's like D chooses the most complex implementations for
> every new feature that has to be added.
> I came to D because it was easier to use and get things done in
> than any other languages, but over the past couple years I've
> slowly stopped starting new projects in D because it's becoming
> a drain to use and all its selling points are no longer selling
> points because other languages are either on pair with D or
> does it better.
This is also my experience, unfortunately it is at the point
where I do not start new projects in D.
> D was on the path to greatness, but no more. It's spiraling
> down a bad path and it's honestly sad. It had so much potential
> and I'm not sure it'll ever recover.
Totally agree but I wouldn't say sad, it just is. I have moved
back to C++ for hobby projects and I'm rather enjoying C++20. I
also like the fact I'm staying up to date the latest C++. There
are a lot more C++ jobs than D jobs out there.
> The only way for D to ever succeed would be to start D3 ASAP
> and start by figuring out how to get rid of the attribute soup
> etc. because all it does is adding clutter and clutter is what
> makes a language difficult to use. C++ wasn't hard because of
> the technical stuff, but because there's a lot of clutter in
> the language with templates etc. IMHO.
Agreed, I like the improvements in C++20 but it has a long way to
go to make things readable That said `int func(auto value) {}` is
pretty easy to read template. D code now with attributes, I
wouldn't know where to start and TBH would probably just ignore
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