private(this) vs LINT
forkit at
Mon Jun 27 23:39:00 UTC 2022
On Monday, 27 June 2022 at 20:23:26 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
> I was just thinking, if we had a standard linter, it could
> solve many issues without bloating the language, since the
> compiler exists as a library it should not be too difficult to
> maintain either.
> This way we can both keep the cake and eat it.
I could not disagree more.
'classes' and 'information hiding' are 'entangled'.
I've seen many arguments against adding private(this), but no
argument (that can be taken seriously), that you shouldn't be
able to apply the 'information hiding' principle to a class.
In D, you're told you can do this by putting the class it's own
My argument, is that this principle is so tightly entangled with
the class concept, that it should be availabe to do with the
class type itself.
I think, in principle at least, my argument is a stronger
argument, than the one-class-to-a-module argument.
But why you would want to bring a linter in to solve this,
puzzles me even more than a language that supports classes, but
doesn't having a means (an option) to apply the information
hiding principle *within* the class type itself.
In terms of the ever increasing move towards being able to
improve the provability of your code, then yes, a linter will
have to come into play.
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