ImportC can now automatically run the preprocessor
max haughton
maxhaton at
Mon May 16 05:13:52 UTC 2022
On Monday, 16 May 2022 at 05:11:42 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 5/15/2022 8:59 PM, max haughton wrote:
>> One thing I'd also like to note is that once the C has been
>> turned into the D AST you actually can almost get it to emit D
>> code that represents the C
> "almost" is the operative word, here :-/
> One of the motivations for ImportC (as opposed to C=>D
> translations that htod, dstep, and dpp do) is that the
> semantics can be an exact match to C.
The semantics will be an exact match because I'm talking about
merely making the dmd AST dumping feature better versus a new
tool. It basically already works it's just that you have to make
it not emit `import object` and also fix a bug in the dmd parser
because extern(C) doesn't work inside a function parameter or
something to that effect.
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