Why is D unpopular, redux.
Timon Gehr
timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Sun May 22 10:37:48 UTC 2022
On 22.05.22 03:26, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 5/21/2022 5:14 PM, deadalnix wrote:
>> On Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 19:46:48 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
>>> On 5/21/2022 4:54 AM, deadalnix wrote:
>>>> There are holes in the foundations of the languages. These hole
>>>> prevent basic things from being possible at all. For instance,
>>>> containers.
>>> Ok, can you please provide a comprehensive list of these holes?
>> I've done so a gazilion time, and the fact you cannot think of one is
>> the focus problem I'm talking about.
> The trouble is, posting these on the n.g. is not a good method, as the
> n.g. is ephemeral and no, I don't read every posting. Nobody can. When
> someone says "it was posted on the n.g. some time ago" there's just no
> way to deal with that. The n.g. is like 15 years worth of receipts
> thrown down the stairs into the basement to be forgotten.
> A better way is to think them through, and post enhancement requests on
> Bugzilla. That's what it's for. Then, when someone says "what about XXX
> that I proposed" he can point to the bugzilla issue. If anyone has
> anything substantive to say about it he can attach comments to that issue.
> A more formal way is to create DIPs for them.
>> Just on type qualifiers:
>> - Transitivity of type qualifier doesn't play nice with template.
>> There is no way to tell the compiler that a `const Tpl!T` actually is
>> a `const Tpl!(const T)`. As a result, no container library is possible
>> and ranges have serious problem when it come to qualifiers too.
> This needs a lot more fleshing out about what exactly is wrong and why.
> ...
Instances of the same struct/class template are independent types
without any relationship. Different types of slices (for example) are not.
>> - delegates break constness guarantees as the type qualifier ont he
>> context is not tracked and/or checked.
> This should be a bug report in bugzilla with an example.
> ...
The bug report is 15 years old:
class C{
int x;
void delegate() dg;
dg = (){ x++; }; // mutate x
void main(){
const c=new C();
auto old_x=c.x;
c.dg(); // accepts invalid
auto new_x=c.x;
Solution: Properly type check the context pointer, for example it should
not be possible to call a `const(void delegate())` dg because the
context is const, but the function pointer accepts a mutable context.
>> - closure break constness guarantee, as I can mutate an immutable
>> variable visible in a closure when iterating in a loop.
> This should be a bug report in bugzilla with an example.
> ...
Another 15 year old bug report:
void main(){
int delegate()[] dgs;
immutable int k=i;
assert(dgs[0]()==0&&dgs[1]()==1); // fails
Solution: If a delegate closes over a loop-local variable, create one
context per loop iteration. (The `immutable` in the example above just
demonstrates that what's going on is memory corruption, it should still
work the same way if there is no `immutable`.)
> ... >
>> - const/immutable doesn't play nice with reference types (the
>> qualify both the object and the reference), making the type qualifier
>> system pretty much unworkable with OOP style code.
> This needs to be a lot more specific. "doesn't play nice" is just not
> helpful.
> ...
There is no way to declare a tail-immutable class reference.
immutable(int)* <- can rebind the reference, can't assign to value
immutable(Class) <- can't rebind the reference
Class <- can rebind the reference, can assign to value
>> Now, don't get me wrong, some of these are hard problems. But the more
>> we add to the pile of stuff we have, the harder they become to solve.
> Thank you for writing the list.
Maybe we can bump the priority on the bugzilla issues?
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