betterC becoming unusable

zjh fqbqrr at
Mon Nov 7 13:37:44 UTC 2022

On Monday, 7 November 2022 at 13:19:25 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

> Mostly because it is an ML inspired language with C++ like 
> capabilities, a cool type system, but above all, it doesn't 
> matter how it looks, because a bunch of big corporations 
> decided it was going to be their C++ replacement, and it 
> already powers part of Android, AWS and Azure.
> Just like I am not a big Go fan, yet due to CNCF products, it 
> landed on my plate as well.

when at work, that's ok. but aside of that, I think it's better 
to learn a language you like.
I don't know anything about `ML`.
The strategy of `big` company is to `follow`, they don't like 

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