Does D have any political goals?
Quirin Schroll at
Tue Nov 8 10:46:55 UTC 2022
On Monday, 7 November 2022 at 05:30:20 UTC, thebluepandabear
> For the next couple of days I was trying very hard to find an
> apolitical language to learn instead of Rust, and I stumbled
> across D. D seemed like a good language to learn and I saw that
> the community was *extremely* nice, although I am not sure
> whether D is an apolitical language (or whether they have been
> involved politically).
D and the forum are as apolitical as it could be. Probably, I
would not mind the D Language Foundation reaching out to
politicians because of problems in the industry that change in
regulation might fix.
I was here in 2016/17 and 2020/21 when American presidential
elections took place, which were probably the most political
events in the recent past concerning an English-language forum. I
don’t remember vividly what was here in 2016/17, but I guess I
would if the forum had been full of posts regarding the election.
In 2020/21, I remember discussions about politics almost
everywhere, but in this forum, people were pleasantly happy to
ignore American politics. **To me, it was a place I could go to
to get away from it.** I remember seeing one thread; this here is
the second political thread on this forum I stumbled upon (I
consider this a political thread, even if it’s about politics in
general). I very much do hold political opinions as probably a
lot of people here do, but it seems **all** forum posters
self-evidently understand that here is not the proper place for
it. I’ve not witnessed Walter or anyone else in management ever
needing to keep politics out of the forum.
> I am just here asking whether or not D will keep politics out
> of programming, et cetera, and look – if D is political then I
> have absolutely no issue, in fact I respect this decision
> completely. It's just that when politics gets involved in
> programming it puts me off instantly, so that's why I asked.
I guess there is only one instance when talking about politics in
a specialized forum like this is appropriate: When (proposed or
implemented) regulations affect forums per se or the topics it’s
concerned with.
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