[OT] Generating distribution of N dice rolls
Ali Çehreli
acehreli at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 10 17:46:59 UTC 2022
On 11/10/22 08:57, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> if there's a fast way to
> compute the standard deviation of the multinomial
I am happy with my solution which includes scientific terms like
normalDistributianness. :p
import std;
uint[k] diceDistrib(uint k)(uint N)
in(k > 0)
in(N > 0)
out(r; r[].sum == N)
uint[k] result;
const average = N / k;
// foreach (i; 0 .. N) {
// result[uniform(0, k)]++;
// }
// Larger this value, closer the results to normal distribution
enum normalDistributianness = 1000;
// Window around the average of values to pick randomly within
const halfWindow = average / 2;
foreach (ref r; result) {
r = iota(normalDistributianness)
.map!(_ => uniform(average - halfWindow,
average + halfWindow + 1))
uint total = result[].sum;
while (true) {
if (total == N) {
auto which = &result[uniform(0, k)];
if (total < N) {
} else if (total > N) {
return result;
void main() {
Error checking etc. are missing but hundred million dice throws in a
split second... Now that's fast! :p
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