Zig vs D generics
Ola Fosheim Grøstad
ola.fosheim.grostad at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 12:55:25 UTC 2022
On Wednesday, 12 October 2022 at 12:24:05 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
> C++ ruled the GUI frameworks tooling during the 1990's, with
> C++ frameworks being shipped with every compiler, nowadays with
> exception of Microsoft, there isn't an OS vendor left shipping
> a C++ GUI framework with the platform SDK. Qt seems to be the
> last man standing, and even them, had to turn into enterprise
> customers to keep their developers going.
Computers get more memory, cores, GPUs and scripting languages
with JITs. For most applications it would make more sense to use
a JIT for the GUI. Not surprising that the application area shift
over time.
But not necessarily for all: C++ is still competitive for
audio/video/embedded where you want to build the GUI from the
ground up to get a competitive advantage.
> C++ still has many key domains, when the head of ISO C++ does a
> public plea for developers to improve C++ instead of going
> elsewhere, while presenting his own flavour of C++-vnext, one
> needs to wonder if it will ever be anything past ISO C++26.
LLVM has ensured that there are many other options, so people
have more compilers to play with. That means there will be less
space for any singular language. The big features like
stack-less coroutines isn't really a hobbyist implementation
task. There is one big mistake in C++20: they added too many
demanding features in one release. It will take years for
developers to figure out how to make the best use of coroutines
and concepts. C++ need to slow down a bit, they shouldn't add
stuff faster than programmers can establish best practices, the
result will be chaos.
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