Regarding the proposed Binray Literals Deprecation

Daniel N no at
Sat Sep 10 07:03:21 UTC 2022

On Saturday, 10 September 2022 at 05:58:25 UTC, Walter Bright 
> On 9/9/2022 7:38 PM, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
>> (I do think it would be a bit better too if it was 
>> `core.octal` instead of `std.conv` so it brings in a bit less 
>> baggage too.)
> It's not really a core feature, but std.octal would be better.

Personally I think anything which WAS a language feature should 
be in object to keep the feature working out of the box. Not sure 
why people are so afraid to use it, not often you have to read 
object.d source, as long as it's just one file, it will be 
blazingly fast as always.

> It does, as 093 doesn't work as non-C programmers would expect.

I don't think anyone is arguing in favour of 093 but 0o93.

I use octal seldom, but binary very often, google bitboards.

This has an obvious visual meaning but in hex it would be hard to 

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