Things C++ 20 Deliberately Broke
Don Allen
donaldcallen at
Mon Sep 26 19:51:30 UTC 2022
On Monday, 26 September 2022 at 12:41:07 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
> On Monday, 26 September 2022 at 08:32:27 UTC, Siarhei Siamashka
> wrote:
>> [snip]
>> C++ and D are actually radically different. Older versions of
>> the C++
>> standard are still supported via the '-std=c++98' or
>> '-std=c++17' option
>> in GCC (or its equivalent in the other C++ compilers). And C++
>> is not
>> unique. For example, Rust also supports different language
>> editions.
>> If Python developers decided to keep both Python2 and Python3
>> maintained forever, then it would be similar to C++ and Rust.
>> D doesn't offer anything like this right now.
>> [snip]
> D has preview/revert switches for some individual behaviors
> (though to my knowledge, not all deprecations have this). What
> it doesn't have is a way to combine several of these together
> based on an individual year/period and automation to switch to
> a newer edition. Rust has some good tooling for that.
Rust just released v1.64 of their system. 1018 people contributed
to the new release.
D has nothing like that kind of developer horsepower. So we
should realize that it may be simply be beyond the project's
capacity to provide things, however useful or shiny, that we see
in other languages.
D is obviously not my project, but to the extent this hasn't been
thought about (I'd guess it has), I'd suggest taking stock of
what the project ambitions are. I think of D as kind of the
OpenBSD of the programming language world. OpenBSD is not nearly
as successful, measured by user count, as Linux. But it's
excellent work and serves a very useful purpose in the niche it
has established for itself. But they do make compromises because
of the limited developer capacity, e.g., they still don't have a
unified buffer cache and the file-system is ancient (no COW, no
journaling, though they do still support McKusick's soft
I see D the same way. In my view, it's a lot better than C or
C++. Is it going to replace either of them? Of course not. But
there is a community of D users that understands its value and
what the D project has accomplished and that appears to be enough
for people like Walter to keep the project going, much like the
OpenBSD situation. And a major plus for D is that Walter doesn't
behave like Theo de Raadt :-)
In previous posts, I've described how D has served me well
personally, allowing me to turn some really disgusting C into
something manageable. I won't repeat any of that. But I would
like to mention that I first tried to do this work in Rust. The
big problem is that my main application has some global state; it
is simply unavoidable. That application is also single-threaded,
because of its nature. Rust has made the decision to assume that
all applications are multi-threaded and therefore mutable globals
are unsafe. To use them for global state, you end up with your
code absolutely littered with "unsafe" blocks. You can try to use
interior mutability and/or thread_local! to get around this. Good
luck. So what you get is at least as ugly as my original C and
with so many unsafe blocks, what about Rust's vaunted safety
I think they should instead have provided an option to state that
your code is single-threaded and will remain so, relaxing the
stringency about multi-threaded-ness that just doesn't apply.
This would allow writing inherently single-threaded code in a
much more straight-forward way. But as the language is now, I had
an incredibly frustrating experience and abandoned it. I could
have made it work, but it was like going from the frying pan into
the fire. D was an absolute delight after this experience.
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