Streaming parsers in D a novel design
igor.khasilev at
Thu Apr 20 10:32:53 UTC 2023
On Tuesday, 18 April 2023 at 08:13:05 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> A streaming parser is doing 2 things:
> - waiting for input
> - processing the current input and spitting out Events
> This maps to D beautifully:
> 1. Waiting for input means it's an OutputRange with explicit
> put method!
> 2. Processing events means it's an InputRange of events. It may
> even be ForwardRange, mine first of this kind is Forward range.
This is how `requests` handle input stream from the remote end
and convert it to "input stream" of http response body chunks.
Input is a stream of bytes, arbitrary splitted by remote end or
by network, etc. Moreover,response content can be gzipped,
chunk-encoded and whatever else. So you have to process each
network input with several "processors", like "inflate",
"chunk-encoded decoder" and so on.
+------------+ +--------------+ +---------+
|input range | | chunk-encoded| | gzip | | input
range |
Net->-| of byte[] |->-| decoder |->-| decoder |->-| of
response body|->- App
| | | | | | | chunks:
byte[] |
+------------+ +--------------+ +---------+
There is some problems like push all unprocessed data to the
right end of the picture at the end of the network stream and
maybe some other... But essentially it works.
Immutability of underlying data on every step of this processing
stream helps very much.
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