D Is Awesome

Sergey kornburn at yandex.ru
Wed Dec 6 10:14:03 UTC 2023

On Monday, 4 December 2023 at 23:45:00 UTC, D wrote:
> On Monday, 4 December 2023 at 17:37:20 UTC, Sergey wrote:
> Currently, my focus is on web-based projects. I am conducting 
> my work using Handy Httpd and enhancing my knowledge in Socket 
> programming.

Oh nice. Handy gives me mixed feelings..
If we don't take into account Vibe (which is horrible huge 
monster), Handy has the best web-site and documentation 
(definitely). But it has some issues with performance, which I 
saw in one of the benchmark. But probably I need to test it by 
myself better.

> With what I've learned, I'm trying to develop my own 
> experimental Web Framework in the D language.

This is also confused, like we have in D world several Web 
Frameworks. Like more than 5 are "alive" and getting updates 
recently, and there are 3 abandoned (but with low effort probably 
could be fixed). And 1 new (which is still too young and support 
only linux). And also some experimental Photon thing.. like why 
another one?

> Additionally, I am working on a identity management system and 
> an educational platform. My goal is to integrate my services 
> into the D language and launch these systems live in the early 
> days of the new year.

Interesting. I had an idea to port RPC framework (which we are 
lacking now in D ecosystem). But I haven't got any targets.. so 
maybe your case could be suitable, in case you decide to go with 
micro-service architecture.

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