Trying to use Mir ion, its a perfect example of the failure of D's attribute system

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Fri Jan 20 14:53:49 UTC 2023

On 1/20/23 8:08 AM, Quirin Schroll wrote:

> If D added 1 fixed-name attribute variable per attribute (cf. `inout`), 
> they could be spelled `@safety`, `purity`, `@gcness`, and `throwiness`.
> ```d
> void callInSequence(
>      void delegate() @safety purity @gcness throwiness[] dgs
> ) @safety purity @gcness throwiness
> {
>      foreach (dg; dgs) dg();
> }
> ```

My proposal was basically to have a `@called` attribute that indicates 
the function delegate may be called inside the function, meaning the 
attributes of the call should reflect the attributes of the parameter.

> This works the same way as when `inout(int)[] f() inout` is called on a 
> mutable, `const` or `immutable` object, its return type will be `int[]`, 
> `const(int)[]`, or `immutable(int)[]` after replacing `inout` with the 
> call-side type constructor applied to the object’s type.

Yes, inout is exactly the same type of mechanism


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