Library and site D examples

Tejas notrealemail at
Sun Jan 29 03:49:04 UTC 2023

On Sunday, 29 January 2023 at 00:03:31 UTC, Karmello wrote:
> should automatically include most of the standard library so 
> one doesn't have to constantly import them just to do basic 
> playing around with the examples.
> For example, I modified an example
> import std.array : assocArray;
> import std.range : enumerate;
> import std.conv, std.algorithm, std.math;
> auto aa = iota(1,20).map!(i => round(log(i))).take(10).array;
> writeln(to!string(aa));
> and had to import the 3rd line. This gets pretty annoying when 
> playing around with the examples. The most common libs should 
> automatically be imported and may be dependent on the 
> library(e.g, if its std.traits maybe import std.meta and others 
> related).

You can just `import std;` if you want to play around and don't 
care much about the first compilation time. The following code 
also works:
import std;
void main(){
     auto aa = iota(1,20).map!(i => round(log(i))).take(10).array;

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