Yearly "can we please have void foo() auto" post
zorael at
Thu Jul 27 15:22:45 UTC 2023
I love `auto`, it makes my life easier. The compiler infers what
it can and I primarily enjoy the bonuses of `@safe` without
having to annotate it manually.
But it's not always applicable.
1. Some functions I would normally declare as returning `void`
that have return statements that should implicitly discard their
return values.
string forTheSakeOfImpurity;
int alsoForTheSakeOfImpurity;
string setString()
forTheSakeOfImpurity = "blah";
return forTheSakeOfImpurity;
int setInt()
alsoForTheSakeOfImpurity = 42;
return alsoForTheSakeOfImpurity;
auto foo(bool condition)
if (condition) return setString();
else return setInt();
onlineapp.d(20): Error: expected return type of `string`, not
onlineapp.d(19): Return type of `string` inferred here.
Can be worked around by making it `return cast(void)` everywhere,
but I'm appealing here to not have to.
2. Some functions that I want to coerce the return value of to a
specific type. Related to point 1.
string bar() pure
Appender!(char[]) sink;
// ...
return sink[];
auto baz()
Appender!(char[]) sink;
// ...
return sink[];
static assert(is(ReturnType!bar == string));
static assert(!is(ReturnType!baz == string)); // :c
3. Any void function that I don't want the tooling to nag about.
auto foo() {}
asdf.d(3:1)[warn]: Auto function without return statement, prefer
replacing auto with void
Can we please have `void foo() auto`? It would behave as `auto
foo()` does, except enforce the return type. As a bonus we'd also
get `string bar() auto`.
Yes, I can make it `string foo()()`. I can even `return
cast(string)sink[]`. There are technically workarounds for all of
this; I'm just trying to make the case for repurposing the neat
shortcut we already have in place.
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