Bugzilla to GitHub Issues Migration

Brad Roberts braddr at puremagic.com
Thu Jun 22 20:48:25 UTC 2023

On 6/22/2023 1:35 PM, Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Thursday, 22 June 2023 at 20:22:46 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:
>> What files are you seeking?  More or less everything about the 
>> configuration, aside from things like the database host name, uid, and 
>> password for the db are managed inside the instance itself, all of 
>> which is visible through the ui, and those aren't particularly useful 
>> to have.
> Hi Brad!
> Looking at my records, I am missing the files localconfig and data/params.
> Yes, the files contain parameters which can be configured from the user 
> interface, however they also contain things which are not available from 
> the user interface. One of these, for example, is a key which is used 
> when calculating users' credentials. Without it, we would need to force 
> everyone to reset their passwords (which may be a problem for people who 
> no longer have access to the email address they use to log in to Bugzilla).
> Thanks!

I don't understand why you need that key or to mess with users accounts 
or passwords at all.  That sounds like a pretty major security and trust 
violation to me.  Everything else in localconfig is just site specific 
params (like paths to various executables).  data/params is all 
available in the ui, but here:

%param = (
            'LDAPBaseDN' => '',
            'LDAPbinddn' => '',
            'LDAPfilter' => '',
            'LDAPmailattribute' => 'mail',
            'LDAPserver' => '',
            'LDAPstarttls' => 0,
            'LDAPuidattribute' => 'uid',
            'RADIUS_NAS_IP' => '',
            'RADIUS_email_suffix' => '',
            'RADIUS_secret' => '',
            'RADIUS_server' => '',
            'ajax_user_autocompletion' => '1',
            'allow_attachment_deletion' => 0,
            'allow_attachment_display' => 0,
            'allowbugdeletion' => '0',
            'allowemailchange' => 1,
            'allowuserdeletion' => 0,
            'announcehtml' => '',
            'attachment_base' => '',
            'auth_env_email' => '',
            'auth_env_id' => '',
            'auth_env_realname' => '',
            'bonsai_url' => '',
            'chartgroup' => 'editbugs',
            'commentonchange_resolution' => 0,
            'commentonduplicate' => 0,
            'confirmuniqueusermatch' => 1,
            'cookiedomain' => '',
            'cookiepath' => '/',
            'createemailregexp' => '.*',
            'cvsroot' => '',
            'cvsroot_get' => '',
            'debug_group' => 'admin',
            'default_search_limit' => '500',
            'defaultopsys' => '',
            'defaultplatform' => '',
            'defaultpriority' => '---',
            'defaultquery' => 
            'defaultseverity' => 'enhancement',
            'docs_urlbase' => 'docs/%lang%/html/',
            'duplicate_or_move_bug_status' => 'RESOLVED',
            'emailregexp' => '^[\\w\\.\\+\\-=]+@[\\w\\.\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$',
            'emailregexpdesc' => 'A legal address must contain exactly 
one \'@\', and at least one \'.\' after the @.',
            'emailsuffix' => '',
            'globalwatchers' => '',
            'inbound_proxies' => '',
            'insidergroup' => '',
            'letsubmitterchoosemilestone' => 1,
            'letsubmitterchoosepriority' => 1,
            'lxr_root' => '',
            'lxr_url' => '',
            'mail_delivery_method' => 'SMTP',
            'mailfrom' => 'd-bugmail at puremagic.com',
            'maintainer' => 'braddr at puremagic.com',
            'makeproductgroups' => 0,
            'max_search_results' => '10000',
            'maxattachmentsize' => '1000',
            'maxlocalattachment' => '0',
            'maxusermatches' => '1000',
            'mostfreqthreshold' => '2',
            'musthavemilestoneonaccept' => 0,
            'mybugstemplate' => 
            'noresolveonopenblockers' => 0,
            'password_complexity' => 'no_constraints',
            'proxy_url' => '',
            'querysharegroup' => 'editbugs',
            'quip_list_entry_control' => 'moderated',
            'rememberlogin' => 'on',
            'requirelogin' => '0',
            'search_allow_no_criteria' => 1,
            'shadowdb' => '',
            'shadowdbhost' => '',
            'shadowdbport' => '3306',
            'shadowdbsock' => '',
            'shutdownhtml' => '',
            'smtp_debug' => '0',
            'smtp_password' => '',
            'smtp_ssl' => '0',
            'smtp_username' => '',
            'smtpserver' => 'mail.puremagic.com',
            'ssl_redirect' => '1',
            'sslbase' => 'https://issues.dlang.org/',
            'strict_isolation' => 0,
            'strict_transport_security' => 'off',
            'timetrackinggroup' => '',
            'upgrade_notification' => 'latest_stable_release',
            'urlbase' => 'https://issues.dlang.org/',
            'use_mailer_queue' => '1',
            'use_see_also' => 1,
            'useclassification' => 0,
            'usemenuforusers' => '0',
            'useqacontact' => 0,
            'user_info_class' => 'CGI',
            'user_verify_class' => 'DB',
            'usestatuswhiteboard' => 0,
            'usetargetmilestone' => 0,
            'usevisibilitygroups' => 0,
            'utf8' => 1,
            'webdotbase' => '/usr/bin/dot',
            'whinedays' => 7

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