dub: JSON, SDL, YAML, TOML, what color should we paint it ?

Arjan arjan at ask.me.to
Wed Mar 1 09:53:08 UTC 2023

On Tuesday, 28 February 2023 at 14:29:28 UTC, Mathias LANG wrote:
> Currently, Dub uses two formats: JSON and SDL.
> Here are the options that have been floated around:
> 1) Use SDL everywhere;
> 2) Add support for YAML;
> 3) Add support for another format (E.g. TOML);
> I would like to go with YAML, not because it is the greatest 
> format on earth, but because SDLang is not well known (it means 
> newcomer have to learn yet another format, and while not a big 
> deal, it adds friction), while YAML is everywhere. In the 
> [thread were SDL was 
> discussed](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/gnfctbuhiemidetngrzi@forum.dlang.org), people even thought we invented it!

what about this:
do we risk having a future effort and discussion again?

I don't like SDL probably because I don't know it and have never 
seen it used besides D. With JSON esp. JSON5 I can live, besides 
its massively used and well understood.

I do not see a real benefit in yet another file format for 

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