D Language Foundation Weekly Planning Session Update
anonymous at example.com
Mon May 15 12:19:26 UTC 2023
On 15.05.23 13:59, Dennis wrote:
> IVY stands for "Ideal Vision of Yourself". There's an IVY statement for
> the vision of the organization, and personal IVY statements that
> characterize ambitions of contributors. They take the form "To become
> [...] by [...] so that [...]". After creating/discovering these
> statements, you assign tasks with them in mind, so people work on things
> they are intrinsically motivated to do (though there will still be
> "cleaning the kitchen" work that's not fun for anyone but has to be done).
Thank you.
So it's kinda like the "Where do you see yourself in five years?"
question. But I'm sure IVY is much more sophisticated ;)
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