Feedback from the Gripes and Wishes Campaign

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at
Fri May 19 12:57:47 UTC 2023

On Thursday, 18 May 2023 at 12:30:43 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

I feel like my blog post must have been mutilated a bit since I 
see only 1/3rd of my suggestions making a list that includes 
"swap to 1 indexing"

* Im on team stepouv, the only conceivable future of languages 
improving is the re-separation of data structures and algorithms 
that share a language wide interface, you get m*n solutions out 
of m+n(x3 cause overhead) lines of code. D has... 1 good data 
structure, the built-in dynamic array, aa's aren't implemented 
yet and wont be for the foreseeable future and I hate their 
interface anyway, every part of strings design needs to be 
replace, auto decoding is stupid as is defining a fundamental 
data type in one-liner to be clever. D needs data structures.

* The average person writting the algorithm code must have gotten 
some weird ideas in their head, cause a x3 over head seems like 
an under estimation for the level of complexity in the std.

* There is a bunch of simple hacks to make ranges work, but you'd 
have to know them by heart as none are in the std, not even an 
identity map or `.map!(a=>a)`

* d3 should simplify the range interface, expand the data 
structure libs drastically, include range hacks, and lower their 
standards of correctness.

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