OT: Short review of an unself "paper" Re: D Language Foundation Weekly Planning Session Update
Theo at gmail.com
Sat May 20 23:35:21 UTC 2023
On Saturday, 20 May 2023 at 14:39:08 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> On 5/19/23 21:38, Theo wrote:
> > Please don't mispresent what you clearly do not understand.
> I know I understand.
> > If you won't to focus on personal beliefs, I refer you to:
> >
> > https://www.altereducation.org/
> >
> > (an organistaion founded by the very same person promoting
> IVY).
> And your point is?
> > I do NOT imply there is anything wrong with what he is
> promoting.
> Ah! But you still bring it up. Hm? I wonder why?
Because DLF is wanting to promote IVY, which like Alter
Education, has an agenda.
The agenda itself might be fine, or not. That is for each person
to decide.
But you cannot decide without knowing the agenda, can you?
I know you would prefer to suggest to others that I think there
is something sinister his that agenda. I don't. I'm simply
pointing out there is an agenda. But that argument of yours, sure
sounds like it would suit your agenda - which is against me, and
very personal it seems.
> > I'm
> > simply pointing out, that he is being driven by his personal
> beliefs,
> > and other should be allowed to the same thing. But none of
> these should
> > have any role in the D forums, nor at Dconf. That really, is
> my point.
> Your want to get class private by trolling.
> Ali
Honestly, you're vitriole towards me is getting rather silly.
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