Dcompute OpenCL problem: invalidKernelName

unDEFER undefer at gmail.com
Mon May 29 10:31:12 UTC 2023


I'm trying to make working OpenCL test example in dcompute 
~master branch.
All is good, but I get invalidKernelName error.

When I add debug to program.c:59:

     writefln("%s", name);

I see mangled name of saxpy function:


And if I run

     $ spirv-dis .dub/obj/kernels_ocl220_64.spv | grep 

I see two definitions of this symbol:

- as OpEntryPoint
- as opFunction

In https://github.com/bashbaug/SimpleOpenCLSamples I found good 
05_spirvkernelfromfile example and there are building logs. If I 

     $ ./spirvkernelfromfile -p 1 --file 

I see the next line:

<_D12dummykernels5saxpyFS3ldc8dcompute__T7PointerVEQBaQz9AddrSpacei1TfZQBefQBzQCcmZv.1> was successfully vectorized (8)

I.e. the kernel is loaded but by name with suffix ".1". And if I 
add this suffix to program.c:59 like:

     name = name ~ ".1"

The example is working. The sample_kernel64.spv of 
05_spirvkernelfromfile loads good without any suffixes to "Test" 
kernel name. But if I self try compile

     $ clang -c -target spir64 -emit-llvm -o sample_kernel.bc 
     $ llvm-spirv -o sample_kernel.spv sample_kernel.bc

I get the same problem and kernel "Test.1" loads. If I manually 
remove two lines from assembly version which defines "OpFunction 
Test" and assembly again:

     $ spirv-dis sample_kernel.spv > 2.asm
     $ vim 2.asm
     $ spirv-as --target-env opencl2.1 -o 2.spv 2.asm

I get working spv-module.

I can't understand if it is problem of ldc2/clang/llvm-spirv and 
I must go to their bugtracker or it is feature and there exists 
option to compiler which will stop adding second kernel 
declaration as function and then I must create pull request to 

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