Some Thoughts On String Interpolation [l10n, restricting access, AA]
kdevel at
Wed Nov 1 22:22:42 UTC 2023
On Saturday, 28 October 2023 at 13:13:16 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
>> [...]
>> That typing is laborious. Isn't there a way to bind the
>> expression to the keys of the AA?
> You can do this with existing language features:
> Although I wouldn't really recommend it, since it forces you to
> write fully-qualified names to access anything that *isn't* an
> associative-array key.
The simple name (`x`) seems to work:
import std.stdio;
void main()
string[string] aa;
string x = "xxx";
aa["name"] = "Arthur";
aa["quest"] = "seek the Holy Grail";
aa["favoriteColor"] = "blue";
with (aa.keysAsVars)
.writefln!"My name is %s, I %s, and my favorite color is %s."(
name, quest, x);
struct KeysAsVars(K, V)
V[K] aa;
V opDispatch(string key)() => aa[key];
KeysAsVars!(K, V) keysAsVars(K, V)(V[K] aa)
return typeof(return)(aa);
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