Create a new language ?

Alain De Vos devosalain at ymail.coom
Mon Nov 6 21:23:04 UTC 2023

Except for dotnet or java , i use freebsd alot.
Already a problem for roc.
No idea how to make roc work on freebsd ? Even if i have a 
clang-llvm & gcc toolchain.
Compare, with scala-native i can compile very easy to 
self-contained-executables on freebsd...

Why d-lang ?
Why not d-lang ?
Not bad as language, but i can't bind to any external library. 
It's pure academic.

Dlang. Why not build on what already exists ? Functional came 
afterwards, after object oriented.
Even if it is implemented in a library, "an sich", not 
necessarily bad idea.
If it works it's ok. But it's currently ugly.

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