Just another example of missing string interpolation
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 16:19:44 UTC 2023
On Friday, 20 October 2023 at 13:45:40 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
> All the proposed solutions, including 1027, can be worked with
> for most cases. It's just that the code to adapt 1027 to calls
> except for printf and writef is awful. It doesn't handle other
> situations at all.
I misspoke, 1027 doesn't actually handle `printf` very well, you
still have to include the format specifiers for anything other
than a `char *`. Only `writef` makes sense.
Whereas, with DIP1036, I [already
an overload that works with `printf` without needing any
specifiers, and is betterC compatible, it should lower to one
call to `core.stdc.stdio.printf`.
import core.stdc.stdio;
import std.traits;
struct interp(string s)
static string toString() { return s; }
alias printf = core.stdc.stdio.printf;
auto printf(Args...)(Args args) if (isInstanceOf!(interp,
static immutable formatStr = () {
string result;
foreach(T; Args)
static if(isInstanceOf!(interp, T))
result ~= T.toString();
else static if(is(T == int))
result ~= "%d";
else static if(is(T : const(char)[]))
result ~= "%.*s";
else static if(is(T == float) || is(T == double))
result ~= "%f";
// .. and so on
return result ~ "\0";
mixin(() {
string result = "return
foreach(i, T; Args)
static if(!isInstanceOf!(interp, T)){
static if(is(T : const(char)[]))
result ~= ", cast(int)args[" ~ i.stringof ~
"].length, args[" ~ i.stringof ~ "].ptr";
result ~= ", args[" ~ i.stringof ~ "]";
return result ~ ");";
extern(C) void main()
string name = "Walter";
int age = 42;
// equivalent of printf(i"Hello, ${name}, you are ${age}
years old.\n");
printf(interp!"Hello, "(), name, interp!", you are "(), age,
interp!" years old.\n"());
printf("And normal printf works too, %s\n", name.ptr);
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