The Trouble with MonoTimeImpl (including at least one bug)
forest at
Tue Apr 2 18:35:24 UTC 2024
I'm working on code that needs to know not only how much time has
elapsed between two events, but also the granularity of the
timestamp counter. (It's networking code, but I think granularity
can be important in multimedia stream synchronization and other
areas as well. I would expect it to matter in many of the places
where using MonoTimeImpl.ticks() makes sense.)
For clarity, I will use "units" to mean the counter's integer
value, and "steps" to mean the regular increases in that value.
POSIX exposes counter granularity as nanoseconds-per-step via
clock_getres(), and MonoTimeImpl exposes its reciprocal (1/n) via
ticksPerSecond(). I'm developing on linux, so this appeared at
first to be sufficient for my needs.
However, I discovered later that ticksPerSecond() doesn't return
counter granularity on Windows or Darwin. On those platforms, it
returns units-per-second instead: the precision of one unit,
rather than one step. This is problematic because:
- The function returns conceptually different information
depending on the platform.
- The API offers the needed granularity information on only one
- The API is confusing, by using the word "ticks" for two
different concepts.
I think this has gone unnoticed due to a combination of factors:
- Most programs do only simple timing calculations that don't
include a granularity term.
- There happens to be a 1:1 unit:step ratio in some common cases,
such as on my linux box when using MonoTime's ClockType.normal.
- On Windows and Darwin, MonoTimeImpl uses the same fine-grained
source clock regardless of what ClockType is selected. It's
possible that these clocks have a 1:1 unit:step ratio as well.
(Unconfirmed; I don't have a test environment for these
platforms, and I haven't found a definitive statement in their
- On POSIX, although selecting ClockType.coarse should reveal the
problem, it turns out that ticksPerSecond() has a special case
when clock steps are >= 1us, that silently discards the
platform's clock_getres() result and uses a hard-coded value
instead. (Bug #24446.) That value happens to yield a 1:1
unit:step ratio, hiding the problem.
Potential fixes/improvements:
1. Give MonoTimeImpl separate functions for reporting
units-per-second and steps-per-second (or some other
representation of counter granularity, like units-per-step) on
all platforms.
2. Remove the special case described in bug #24446. I suspect the
author used that hard-coded value not because clock_getres() ever
returned wrong data, but instead because they misunderstood what
clock_getres() does. (Or if *I* have misunderstood it, please
enlighten me.)
3. Implement ClockType.coarse with an actually-coarse clock on
all platforms that have one. This wouldn't solve the above
problems, but it would give programmers access to a presumably
more efficient clock and would allow them to avoid Apple's extra
scrutiny/hoops for use of a clock that can fingerprint devices.
Open questions for people who use Win32 or Darwin:
Does Win32 have an API to get the granularity (units-per-step or
steps-per-second) of QueryPerformanceCounter()?
Does Darwin have such an API for mach_absolute_time()?
If the unit:step ratio of the Win32 or Darwin clocks are always
1:1, is that clearly documented somewhere official?
Do either of those platforms offer a coarse monotonic clock?
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