Real D
soldate at
Sat Apr 13 13:55:50 UTC 2024
The fact that C still being used today is a clear sign that all
language creators failed badly in not seeing the advantages of C,
focused only on the disadvantages and exaggerated creating
features that no one cares, creating too much possibilities of
doing the same thing, getting only learning difficulties.
What D should be?
C with fat pointers, no header files and a big OO standard
That's it. A better C. A new C. 90% C + 5% Cpp + 5% Java.
C++ has the advantage of being compatible, but didn't solve the
main pointer's problem.
Java is almost this, but VM was a terrible decision (great only
for marketing) and GC is good for bad programmers (sorry).
Dlang displease C/C++ programmers for having GC and didn't get
any of Java programmers.
It's time to clean Dlang and get all the C/C++/Java programmers
onboard of this new clean, simple, fast and easy to use
programming language.
Only Walter can lead to this path!
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