D is the best tool for this!!! How do we tell them??

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at gmail.com
Sat Aug 3 23:04:06 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 3 August 2024 at 18:52:42 UTC, Emmanuel wrote:
> https://www.theregister.com/2024/08/03/darpa_c_to_rust/#:~:text=The%20term%20stands%20for%20TRanslating,do%20so%20is%20memory%20safety.
> the DARPA project wants to translate all their legacy C code to 
> Rust. they prefer using a programming language which will 
> reject unsafe programs at compile times.
> maybe one PULL request from the D community can???? showing how 
> good D is for a job like this!!

Don't trust what they are saying, think backwards from their 

They could have pick 50 other languages, they could have 
commissioned a new c subset and compiler, they could have made 
calls for new languge that ports c easily but have such and such 
safety features.

Instead they picked rust, the language that killed firefox, has 
no final spec and by all accounts is painful to work with. They 
*wanted* to dig ditches to refill them.

Why would they want this, well, congress made on-shoring 
technology a priority a few years back, while silicone valley was 
getting ready for the mass firings. From their prospective 
keeping Americans employable with stem skills is a responsible 
act for "the digital supply chain".

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