I wrote an AR archive (.a files) parser in D

Renato Athaydes renato at athaydes.com
Thu Aug 8 16:42:30 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 8 August 2024 at 11:07:35 UTC, IchorDev wrote:
> On Thursday, 8 August 2024 at 10:44:49 UTC, Renato Athaydes 
> wrote:
>> Why shouldn't I cast the `read` result directly to immutable 
>> when it's literally impossible to get a reference to those 
>> bytes that is not immutable? It seems like the best way to 
>> achieve what I need.
> You’re still violating the guarantees of immutability—data 
> can’t go from mutable to immutable, that’s what `const` is for. 
> Using `const` would be totally fine, or you can use `.idup` to 
> create an immutable copy of the array.
>> Also, I thought `in` is the new way of using `const` parameters
> No, it’s an old redundant way of using `const` for parameters. 
> It also doesn’t let you specify what part of the type is 
> constant, like `const(ubyte)[]` vs `const(ubyte[])`. It’s 
> completely useless.

Wait a second... is that your opinion or official D's position? 
Because `in` is 
as being used for function inputs:

> Input parameters behave as if they have the const scope storage 
> classes. Input parameters may also be passed by reference by 
> the compiler.

That's EXACTLY what I want! And it's shorter and nicer looking 
than const. Sorry, but I will keep using it :).

> That is plainly ridiculous. Read the documentation for these 
> functions...

Sorry, but have I made you angry somehow?

Can we just talk in a civilized way please?

I thought that functions from a module called `std.string` would 
take, you know, strings.

>  Is this likely to affect your small case? Technically no, but 
> it’s the first step down the dangerous path of lying to the 
> compiler,

The program works and I didn't lie to the compiler. `read` 
doesn't keep a reference to the byte array, and there's no way to 
access it since I cast it before assigning it. I get your point, 
but I don't see why insist on not casting to immutable even when 
it's patently safe to do so.

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