Shopping for template languages

IchorDev zxinsworld at
Mon Aug 12 11:47:54 UTC 2024

On Monday, 12 August 2024 at 08:58:59 UTC, cc wrote:
> I'd even lean towards excluding the `.` if at all possible but 
> I assume people predict too many potential conflicts in other 
> code?

It would be too ambiguous. If you write a type-inferred enum 
member that has the same name as a local variable, what happens? 
The fact that there’s more than one answer means that the 
programmer can’t be certain without looking it up; wasting their 
time to use a convenience feature. It’s variable shadowing but 
with types—bleh! Having a prefix makes your intention explicit, 
and later you don’t have to contemplate whether you’re looking at 
a variable/function call, or type inference.

> Either way I'd definitely like to see this working as a 
> preview, it's a lot easier to see if it Just Works or Just 
> Doesn't to try it than to keep it forever locked in council 
> session limbo.

Well you’re welcome to submit a new PR for the existing 
implementation but with it locked behind a preview…

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