Override assert handler

ryuukk_ ryuukk.dev at gmail.com
Sat Aug 17 12:27:00 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 17 August 2024 at 09:31:53 UTC, Manu wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Aug 2024 at 18:42, ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d < 
> digitalmars-d at puremagic.com> wrote:
>> ```
>> import core.stdc.stdio;
>> void main()
>> {
>>      assert(false, "no");
>> }
>> extern(C) void _d_assert_msg (string msg, string file, uint 
>> line)
>> {
>>      printf("assert failed: %.*s:%u %.*s\n", 
>> cast(int)file.length,
>> file.ptr, line, cast(int)msg.length, msg.ptr);
>> }
>> ```
>> ```
>> assert failed: onlineapp.d:4 no
>> ```
>> This works
>> That's funny, because i was thinking about that just right 
>> now, and how the default message of druntime sucks ass
>> ```
>> core.exception.AssertError at onlineapp.d(5): no
>> ----------------
>> ??:? _d_assert_msg [0x5625e324e580]
>> ./onlineapp.d:5 _Dmain [0x5625e324e4e4]
>> ```
>> assert message is obfuscated and surrounded with unpleasant 
>> characters to read, it should be clear by default, i want to 
>> send a PR but i can't be bothered to read druntime codebase, a 
>> waste of time
> Orly? My project is rather more complex than this... I'll give 
> it some more
> time to find where it goes sideways.
> What was your build cmdline? Did you link druntime?
> I mean, there's also the `assertHandler()` stuff, but I don't 
> really see the point; I'd rather just replace the assert 
> handler symbol directly. Using `assertHandler` is awkward 
> because you need a static constructor to register it at 
> runtime, and then anything you do in your assert handler almost 
> inevitably leads to bootup issues with cyclic module 
> dependencies because everything leads back to assert.

I use custom runtime + `-betterC`, but this also works on 
run.dlang.io with no specific flags

Do you use `-betterC`? Do you load a dll? it perhaps overwrite 
the symbol?

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