Override assert handler

Walter Bright newshound2 at digitalmars.com
Mon Aug 19 21:03:15 UTC 2024

I actually do understand how shared libraries work.

What happens by default when an assert failure happens is the function:

core.exception._d_assertp(immutable(char*) file, uint line);
is called. That forwards the call to:

core.exception.onAssertError(string file, size_t line);
which then forwards the call to:
and core.exception._assertHandler is the pointer to the function.

The default behavior of _assertHandler is:
throw staticError!AssertError(file, line);

Therefore, if you write your own _d_assertp function in the executable, it will 
override the library version in your executable. For code in the shared library, 
the shared library _d_assertp will be called.


To understand assert error handling, it's necessary to understand:

assertHandler  (yes, two of them!)

which is overly complex.

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