interpolation proposals and safety

kdevel kdevel at
Thu Aug 22 19:34:32 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 23 December 2023 at 23:33:31 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

> 1027 makes it possible to do some cases correctly, but 
> difficult to trust in the general case since it makes no 
> attempt at type safety and its string cannot differentiate 
> between user-injected strings and format string literals.

As I will point out below, the current implementation (DMD 
doesn't do either. At least not in the HTML case.

> [...]
> On the other hand, 1036e corrects these flaws, while adding the 
> possibility for CTFE manipulation, aggregation, and 
> verification of all string literals passed.
> I encourage everyone to look at the sample repository here:

> [...]

> Finally, example #7, directly avoids the trap of XSS holes by, 
> again, separating HTML structure from added data and ensuring 
> correct encodings and valid data positioning is done in all 
> contexts. [...]

One way to "commit" a mistake is by omitting necessary parts. In 
A CGI context the webserver is reading the stdout of the CGI 
application. The original example (with comments stripped) is:

import lib.html;

void main() {
    string name = "<bar>";
    auto element = i"<foo>$(name)</foo>".html;
    assert(element.tagName == "foo");

    import std.stdio;


Now i forget to `import lib.html` and to call `html` on the IES:

void main() {
	string name = "<script>alert(-1)</script>";
	auto element = i"<foo>$(name)</foo>";

	import std.stdio;

$ dmd htmli.d
$ ./htmli

`name` may have been a URL parameter or may be part of the POST 
body. The important part is that it is attacker supplied and 

`writeln` should not print unadorned interpolated string 

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