This needs to be fixed

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Sun Aug 25 16:26:47 UTC 2024

On Sunday, 25 August 2024 at 05:07:43 UTC, Manu wrote:
> This is a really old drum to beat on... but maybe we need to 
> start pounding
> it again.
> It's not strictly this simple though; I think there's a lot of 
> work up-front. We don't really even know what a tuple is, or 
> even what "kinds" of things the language can express...
> Like, there's more than types and values. There's symbol 
> aliases, which may or may not carry an instance reference with 
> them, declaration aliases, which may carry names and properties 
> like storage class, there's sometimes expression aliases, 
> there's potentially attributes, and heaps of other stuff that 
> exists outside the language; like storage class, which doesn't 
> seem to have any presence in the language at all; it's queried 
> with a __traits and comically tells you those facts as string 
> literals! I think this space might be the heart and soul of D's 
> foundational issues, and as such, it's excruciatingly hard to 
> make corrections.
> Like, from my example above, what even IS `s.tupleof`? It's 
> some kind of
> list of what kind of thing? Direct symbol references to members 
> of a live
> instance?
> If s.tupleof can populate a list with that kind of thing, why 
> doesn't this
> work:
> struct S
> {
>   int x, y;
> }
> struct T
> {
>   S s;
>   int i;
>   alias a = i; // works
>   alias b = s.x; // Doesn't work? Why?
> }

All good points I think. AliasSeq and aliases in general have 
always been a sore spot in D meta.

> It seems like s.tupleof presents that there are semantics in 
> the language to express this sort of thing, but it's not clear 
> what to call that.
> Likewise in my example above:
> alias a = s.tupleof; // this can hold the list of references, 
> which seem to
> carry around their instance reference with them
> alias b = s.tupleof[0]; // this emits a surprising error 
> message:
> error : alias `b` cannot alias an expression `AliasSeq!(s.x, 
> s.y)[0]`
> So, that 'list' I mention; does this error message imply that 
> this list given by `tupleof` is an AliasSeq? What exactly IS an 
> AliasSeq? What is the actual set of things that it can hold?
> If tupleof is an AliasSeq, then what's going on here:
> alias c = AliasSeq!(s.tupleof);
> alias d = c[0]; // the error is now gone??

At first, I was thinking WTF is this? How can this work?

But the answer is, it doesn't.

if you try to *use* `d` you will get an error, because there is 
no instance -- you ended up aliasing the symbol without the 

I almost feel like we need a distinction between 
alias-with-instance and alias-of-symbol.

There are more WTFs, like in certain cases aliases will carry 
along names along with the types, and in some cases they don't.

I remember classically this pattern (before static foreach):

foreach(i, _unused; x.tupleof)
     // use x.tupleof[i] here instead of _unused, because the 
former gives names

> I think a good indication that this whole space is profoundly 
> troubled when classic patterns like this emerge:
> template T(alias X) { use X }   // oh no you don't, alias is 
> very
> opinionated! you'll need this instead:
> template T(X...) if (X.length == 1) { use X[0] }

This is no longer needed, so at least there is a bit of progress.

> No matter how you look at it though, this shouldn't be a valid 
> forum post in 2024...



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